One of the functions available in Applitools is the Images SDK, which allows you to send images directly to automation. This SDK is available for C#, Java, JavaScript, Python and Objective C.
The Images CLI (command line interface) is a solution that enables customers with environments that don't integrate with Applitools image SDK (e.g Ruby) to enjoy its benefits.
eyes.images.cli - the JAR file which encapsulates the Eyes images SDK and provides a command line interface for it.
In order to use the Eyes images CLI you need to have Java run time, and simply enter the command: java -jar eyes.images.cli.jar, as you can see in the following example:
After inserting the command, a line with missing required options will appear, and you will be asked to add your run key, app and test name.
In the next line you will be requested to insert the desired screenshots names (space-separated paths to the image files which are to be visually validated).
Under the Params you will find the mandatory and optional parameters:
- appName
- testName
- viewportSize (if you want to a size other than the image size for the baseline)
- runKey (in the sample script, this is taken from an environment variable named APPLITOOLS_API_KEY)
- serverUrl
- hostOS
- hostApp
The exit code of the execution can be inspected to know if the test passed/failed, if it's a new test or if some other error occurred, including the map legend:
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