When running a test on Eyes on an iOS device, sometimes you will see the status bar of the device in the screenshot, depending on how the app was implemented.
The status bar is what shows the network, battery, etc.
On versions prior to iOS 13, applitools SDK automatically detect if the status bar would be shown when the app is running, and remove it from the screenshot.
However, with the release of iOS 13, there has been changes, causing the API that enquiries if a status bar exists, to always return 0 (meaning that status bar is not displayed) even when the status bar exists.
To overcome this, we've added an API to Eyes, which enables you to let Eyes know that the status bar exists, so we can remove it from the screenshot. Here's how you use it:
Java Appium:
XCUI Swift:
eyes.check(withTag: “Simple check!“, andSettings: Target.window().statusBarExists(true))
XCUI Objective-C:
[eyes checkWithTag:@“Simple check!” andSettings:[[Target window] statusBarExists:YES]];
This flag is available via Configuration in XCUI:
config.statusBarExists = YES;
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