Match level per step provides you a coded ability to set a different match level for a specific step of the test (a reminder: a step in Applitools visual tests includes a comparison of a single image).
For example, you might have a test match level of STRICT and you want to change the match level of the first step to LAYOUT. (To learn how to set a test match level click here)
Note that this option is only available via code, and not via the Applitools dashboard.
To change the match level of a certain step please find the following syntax:
target = Applitools::Selenium::Target.region(:css, 'CSS_SELECTOR').match_level(:layout)
eyes.check "StepName", target
eyes.check("StepName", Target.region(By.css("CSS_SELECTOR")).matchLevel(MatchLevel.Layout));
eyes.check("StepName", Target.region(By.cssSelctor("CSS_SELECTOR")).layout());
eyes.Check("StepName", Target.Region(By.CssSelector("CSS_SELECTOR")).Layout());