Customized properties provide you the ability to set custom labels for each one of your tests. The Benefit of this feature is to provide a convenient way to group test results on the Applitools dashboard based on a label or multiple labels. For example, you might have tests tagged as Critical or Smoke. You might want to set a custom label to group these particular labels on the dashboard for convenient display.
eyes.addProperty("<your label>", "<your value>");Javascript:
eyes.addProperty("<your label>", "<your value>");Ruby:
eyes.add_property("<your label>", "<your value>")Python:
eyes.add_property("<your label>", "<your value>");C#:
eyes.addProperty("<your label>", "<your value>");
The following example demonstrate a batch with two tests (Facebook and Twitter) with a custom property of "Language", and the custom values were "English" and "Spanish".
Custom properties can be in use for grouping the tests

And the result will be as follows

Custom properties can also be used for as a filtering parameter

And the result will be

Custom properties can be in use for grouping the tests
And the result will be as follows
Custom properties can also be used for as a filtering parameter
And the result will be
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