Applitools Eyes provides automatic maintenance, which is designed to simplify and to expedite the visual validation process.
Applitools provides three different methods of automatic maintenance:
1. Automatic Region lookup: In some cases, adding different regions to your test (e.g: floating region, ignore region) is necessary in order to deal with dynamic content. In tests that contain multiple steps with the same elements, enabling automatic region lookup (which is disabled by default) adds the same regions to each of the familiar steps by searching and copying the relevant regions to the content. Make sure to turn it on in order to enable it in your test.
2. Automatic accept/reject: This automatic function allows you to accept or reject all of the test's steps that contain the same set of changes.
Disabling automatic maintenance: In order to disable both automatic region lookup and the accept/reject, you can simply add auto=false parameter to the end of the results URL.
3. Region propagation for new baselines: When working with different environments (different browsers, OS, etc), the automatic propagation copies the regions we specified in our test to the baseline of the new environments.