A few performance enhancements will be introduced as part of Applitools Eyes version 10.9; these changes require you to use one of those SDK versions or higher, and an additional whitelisting might be needed due to that.
Please check if your network requires additional whitelisting of the new Azure storage and perform the whitelisting prior to upgrading the SDKs (your company’s storage address was sent to you over email, you can also reach out to support if you don’t have it).
In case you’re not sure if this action is needed according to your organization’s policy, you can follow the below instructions in order to test it yourself.
What should you do?
Use this script for Mac / Unix or this script for Windows.
If you would like to execute the api calls from the terminal / console instead of using the scripts above follow the steps below:
The below commands can be executed with either curl OR powershell OR wget which can be run from Mac (bash), Linux (bash) and Windows (cmd / powershell).
Step #1: GET the Azure blob URL
curl "https://<eyes-server><YOUR_API_KEY>"
curl via Power shell:
curl -Method GET https://<eyes-server><YOUR_API_KEY>
wget --verbose \
--method GET \
--output-document \
- 'https://<eyes-server><YOUR_API_KEY>'
Step #2: in the output of the previous command - copy the value of the field "resultsUrl", the format should look like:
Please replace __random__ with something else (this is just a name, so anything can work).
Step #3: Create a PUT request using the URL we just changed. You will also have to create a Date header with the current time.
curl --verbose --request PUT \
--header 'Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2020 09:42:00 GMT' \
--header 'x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob' \
--header 'x-ms-version: 2015-02-21' \
--form 'image=""'
curl via PowerShell:
curl -Method PUT -Body "" -Headers @{'x-ms-date' = 'Mon, 2 Feb 2020 09:42:00 GMT'; 'x-ms-blob-type' = 'BlockBlob';'x-ms-version' = '2015-02-21'} ""
wget --verbose \
--method PUT \
--header 'x-ms-version: 2015-02-21' \
--header 'Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2020 09:42:00 GMT' \
--header 'x-ms-blob-type: BlockBlob' \
--body-data '------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="image"\r\n\r\n""\r\n------WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW--' \
--output-document \
What should you expect to see?
If command #3 was executed successfully, you should see in the console / terminal window - HTTP/1.1 201 Created - this means that whitelisted is not needed or that the whitelisting was successful.
If command #3 failed, you should see in the console / terminal window a network error such as FORBIDDEN - this means that you need to whitelist the new Azure storage address.
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